We have made significant changes to the Foundation’s e-Communities! The new technology may be intimidating at first, but a little trial and error will ease your anxiety. This guide will highlight some great new features available on the site, but be sure to explore beyond the User’s Guide and build your own pathway to the places you want to go.
The first thing you will want to do, if you have not already, is join!
(Remember, you are required to register for the new e-Communities even if you were a member of the old site.)
After you successfully join the e-Communities, you will see a greeting at the top-right of the homepage. You will also see options to control your personal page: check your mailbox, view your friends, and control the settings to your personal page.
There are two areas to access your personal page from the e-Communities homepage: (1) the top-left of the site, and (2) in the top navigation.
You will notice that your page has been prepopulated with information you submitted during the registration interview, such as your picture, interests/hobbies, and demographical information. Remember this is your page, customize it to your liking—drag and drop page elements wherever they make the most sense to you.
You can also change the page title on your personal page. Feel free to add something about yourself, such as a cool tagline or signature.
Email allows you to view messages you’ve sent and received. To send a “private message” to someone on the network, either select friends from the drop-down option (circled below), or type in their e-mail address.
Start your own e-Communities blog. Create an online journal and recount your experiences with epilepsy.
There are two places you can post questions and engage in dialogue with members of the e-Communities.
- Forum: This page is for general discussions. It carries over the format form our past e-communities. Click the "Forums" tab to visit.
- Groups: In groups, you can post discussions based on group topics and even create your own group. Click the “Groups” tab to visit.
Event Calendar:
Schedule events, invite network members, and keep track of whose attending. This feature allows you to post your epilepsy-related events on a shared calendar, which will become an online repository for all epilepsy events. You can manage RSVPs to the event and send messages to event attendees.
Videos and Photos:
Post photos from the National Walk for Epilepsy and other events, and organize them into albums. You can also upload videos from your computer, as well as YouTube videos into the video gallery or into forum/blog posts.
Go to the desired video on https://www.youtube.com/ and copy and paste the “embed” code, located on the upper right, directly into your comment box.
Badges and Widgets:
Remember to tell your friends about the e-Communities. Embed your e-Communities badge with pride on your Facebook or MySpace profile, blog or website so others can check out this great community.
Invite: Allows you to send an invitation via email to a friend who is not yet a community member. Just add your friend’s name and email address, and they’ll receive an email from us!
Tags: A tag is a key word. Adding tags to your comments, videos, photos, etc., allows you to search for other pages with similar tags.
Share: This button, usually at the top of discussions/blogs/videos and photos, allows you to email your friends, so they can respond to your post and join the discussion.
Follow: This button, at the bottom of pages, allows you to receive e-mail updates of activity going on in the e-Communities.
Be sure to check out the FAQ section of the e-Communities, where you can see other member’s questions, post your own questions, and get answers.